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Meet the Mom Behind the Blog
Hi new friend! My name is Kelli Podzikowski and I am so happy you are here. I am a mom of 5 ranging from the ages of 2 to 9 (4 boys, including a set of fireball twins, and one beautiful daughter.) I have been married to my college sweetheart for 11 years and together we are raising our family here in beautiful Utah! I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and am a passionate disciple of Jesus Christ. I am also an entrepreneur and help run our family’s dance studio as well as my Mental Wellness business. My hobbies include writing (this blog and I also write children’s books!), public speaking, hiking, running, tennis and Polynesian dance!
That little intro makes my life sound pretty darn sunny doesn’t it? And in many ways it is. But what many people don’t know is that for most of my life I have struggled with cyclical depression, crushing discouragement and debilitating lack of belief in myself and lack of self worth.
Four years ago I was in the thick of motherhood with 4 kids- 5 & under (yes, I was part of the 4 under 4 club for time!). I was absolutely exhausted all the time and had dreams and ambitions that I had long given up on; and worst of all every month around that magical time of a woman’s hormone cycle I would get slammed with crushing depression where I could hardly get out of bed to show up for my kids. That cloud would linger over me for a week or longer at times and my life would fall to pieces. Then, once the hormones re-regulated, the clouds would part; I would feel like my normal , happy, ambitious self again and I would start putting the pieces of my life back together. I would finally be ready to make some headway RIGHT when my cycle was starting over and I would relapse. This was my life and although it was miserable, I had just resigned myself to my fate because “this is what comes with womanhood”.
Well, turns out I was wrong (thank goodness!!!) and God had other plans for me. I was introduced to some powerful nutritional supplements that absolutely changed my life–regulated my hormones, healed my gut, gave me energy and focus and ALSO brought me into a community that completely leveled up my mindset and my habits like nothing else! Today I have completely broken free of that debilitating cycle of depression; I have so much more energy & focus; my mindset is strong and I have so many more tools to combat distraction and discouragement. But more than anything I am aligned with God and together we are co-creating the life of my dreams.
I know what it’s like to be in the dark, to feel hopeless and feel worthless, to feel lost. I was there and now I know the way out. It is my passion to help other moms break free of these cycles, take charge of their mental health and their lives and to align with God in creating a life that is joyful, empowered and fulfilled.
If this is you and you too are looking for a way out, or maybe you’ve found it too and are looking for a community of like minded people then I welcome you and encourage you to follow along both here on this blog and also on Facebook & Instagram to level up your life and live your best Divinely Aligned Motherhood!