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Why the *BABY* Jesus?
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A New Way to Celebrate Christ on Christmas
Every Christmas, the season is filled with Christmas trees, stars, stockings, Santa Clauses, reindeer, elves and so much more! But there is one thing that seems to dominate the season, especially in Christian homes, as it should– The Nativity. We decorate our houses with Nativities, we perform plays reenacting the miraculous story of the birth of Christ. Our hymns in church and songs on the radio are filled with humble mangers and soft lullabies to a babe miraculously and immaculately born to a virgin and her heroic husband in a lowly stable in Bethlehem. All of this is beautiful and wonderful, what a great way to celebrate not only an incredible event but the birthday of the Savior and Redeemer of the World!
However, during all of these festivities, I often find myself feeling disconnected. I find myself asking myself, why the baby? On the birthdays of my children and friends and family, sure we might acknowledge the birth, especially if it’s a good story. We will say things like, “Thank you for being born!” and show some pictures of the person growing up because it’s fun to reminisce, especially if you’re the mother. But MOSTLY, we share pictures and stories and tributes to how this person has impacted our life, how much we love them, and everything that they mean to us. We share things about their talents and personality that we adore and the kind of person that they are. We share who they are to us TODAY, in the NOW, not necessarily who they were.
As I have pondered this, I came to realize that, like the Christmas trees, stars, stockings, and Santa Clauses, the BABY Jesus is also a SYMBOL of Christmas. *I’m not being blasphemous, hear me out!!* Because you see, that baby grew up. He grew into a boy, then a man. He lived among us, ministered, and served. He hungered and thirsted, was rejected by friends and family and also experienced love and devotion from others. He worked and studied and eventually established His church, showed us the WAY to Eternal life, made the ultimate atoning sacrifice for all of mankind, was killed and then resurrected. After his resurrection he came back and ministered more. And He still lives today. So what is this baby a symbol of aside from the reminder of Christ’s immaculate conception and humble birth?
In the scriptures, Christ has many names and titles including Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, Bread of Life, King of Kings, Holy One of Israel, Wonderful, Chancellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and so many more. My FAVORITE name and title however that he goes by is Immanuel. The meaning and interpretation of Immanuel is “God with us”. I get emotional anytime I hear this, because what better description of this man and god who descended from His throne to be born among man, as man. To live as we lived, to die as we die, to rise again so that we too can be raised. But His work did not end there! Jesus Christ continues to LIVE and he ministers to each of us daily. He has been my friend all my life, with me in my darkest hours and lifting me up in my brightest. He listens to my struggles, is patient with my weaknesses, teaches me and directs me. He empowers me and helps me grow stronger. His hand is always outstretched and I see His personal, tender mercies in my life every day.
In the Book of Mormon, Nephi (one of the prophets) has a vision, The Vision of the Tree of Life. In his vision an angel is teaching him the meaning of the symbols therein. When Nephi first sees the tree he desires to know what the meaning of it is. The angel, in response, shows him the Virgin Mary and the miraculous birth of Christ. After he shows this to Nephi, the angel asks, “Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?” Nephi then understands and replies, “Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore it is the most desirable above all things.” And the angel adds, “Yea, and the most joyous to the soul.” (1 Nephi 11: 8-23) Evidently, after Nephi witnesses the Nativity, the birth of Christ, he is able to feel how much God loves him and all of His children. This birth, like the Tree of Life, represents God’s love for us. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
And so, after these ponderings, I have come to the conclusion that, at least for me, the baby Jesus that we celebrate during this Christmas season and that adorns our mantles and hymns, is the most pure symbol of Immanuel, God with us. When we see the babe, let him remind us that our Savior is with us always and that He loves us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). He descended below all things so that He could be WITH us through it all and help us to conquer and overcome ALL.
I encourage you during this Christmas season, to contemplate what Christ has done for you in your life.
Yes, He was born of God, yes He came to Earth and atoned for us, but His atoning sacrifice is not “one and done”. Our Savior, thank goodness, is not a “one hit wonder”. His atonement enables Him to minister to you every day and perform miracles in your life TODAY. I invite you this Christmas to not just celebrate who Christ was during his mortal life, but who He is NOW and share your testimony on social media or with friends and family, at church, at the store, anywhere you can how wonderful life is because Christ was born and also the things you love about Him and the things He has done for you in YOUR life.
I love Jesus Christ with all of my heart. He is everything to me and without Him I would be nothing. He is the source of all of my joy, all of my strength, all of my light, all of my hope. He is my best friend, my Redeemer. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to the Lord Immanuel.